Daun Salam (Bay Leaf, Bay Leaves) is an aromatic leaf commonly used as a herb in cooking. It can be used whole, either dried or fresh, in which case it is removed from the dish before consumption, or less commonly used in ground form. The flavor that a bay leaf imparts to a dish has not…
About Us
PT WIJAYA ALAM INDONESIA is a company that focuses on agriculture, production, trade and export of bay leaves from Indonesia.
Contact Us
PT WIJAYA ALAM INDONESIA Jl. Raya Citarik KM 8 Palabuhanratu Kp. Tegallega RT 001 RW 005 Desa Citarik Kecamatan Palabuhanratu Kabupaten Sukabumi Provinsi Jawa Barat Kode Pos 43364 Website : daunsalamku.com Phone : +6285773713808 Email : atenghidayat1@gmail.com
Daun Salam (Bay Leaves) produced by PT Wijaya Alam Indonesia : Daun Salam (Bay Leaves) 25 Grams : USD 1 Daun Salam (Bay Leaves) 50 Grams : USD 2 Daun Salam (Bay Leaves) 100 Grams : USD 4 Daun Salam (Bay Leaves) 1000 Grams : USD 40